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Ever wanted to have the feeling of an RPG like Skyrim but can't afford a PS4 or Xbox One? then You need Genshin Impact. It's free, it has loads of quests, the world is huge and you can start from scratch and become a hero when you defeat all the bosses. The graphics are really good too and it's fully optimized for mobile devices so there are no lags or problems when playing on a smartphone. The controls are easy to use as well because they're in third-person perspective which makes your character feel alive.


The game is pretty hard and you'll have to watch tutorials on YouTube to understand the mechanics of the game. The quests will make you go through various dungeons, collect dozens of items and kill hundreds of monsters. There are a lot of different skills, weapons, and armors to discover. Throughout the game, you'll find books that write about what happened in the world before Genshin Impact. Some books will be in foreign languages so if you want to read them, you'll have to learn the language first which is pretty cool.


There's also a cool PvP feature that allows you to duel with other players online or face AIs in training sessions through a player vs player dual mode. There's also a huge multiplayer mode but to be honest it's pretty disappointing because you can't communicate with other players. There are raids, dungeons, and a lot of things to do. The only negative point is that the updates are slow, but I'm not mad because they're free and they create such an awesome game. It will never beat Diablo 3 or Skyrim in terms of production value but that doesn't matter because this game has so much content and replayability that it will keep you playing for months as Hearthstone does. To sum it up, Genshin Impact is the best mobile game I ever played.

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