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Clue: The Classic Mystery Game is a board clicker game published by Marmalade Game Studio. It is available for iOS and Android mobile devices. It's perfect for kids who love reasoning games and other family members. The plot of the game sets up six suspects. One of them is the murderer. The goal of the children's game is to find out who killed the game's victim, Dr. Black, and to determine what weapon the killer used, and in which room the crime took place. Children can ask questions and take notes as one of six suspects in the game. Their initial task was to determine that crime was being fought.


The game modes of Clue: The Classic Mystery Game include single-player, AI mode and multiplayer online or local offline mode. This variety of options makes the operation of the game very free. It also has a game interface that combines 3D and 2D. Where children see the mansion and character markers in the game in 3D during the dice roll stage, and then the art room scene with representative characters in 2D. Also, these game characters have their own poses.


Clue: The Classic Mystery Game has a virtual clue table. Children will see it automatically add ticks and crosses as game characters make and answer suggestions. This makes it clear if a character has a specific card, and kids can make their own markers by hand. This enables your children to use more advanced deductive techniques to exercise their reasoning skills.


Overall, Clue: The Classic Mystery Game will let children appreciate the importance of successfully making correct suggestions and judgments within the allotted time and can experience the charm and fun of crime-solving board games with their families. Therefore, it is very worthwhile for your children to have. Download it now for your kids.

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