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Guess Monster By Emoji is a casual puzzle game released in April 2024 by Mirai Global Publishing. The game is currently only available on Google play platform and has received more than 500,000 downloads and currently has a rating of 3.7 out of 5 stars. Currently, Guess Monster By Emoji's best ranking on the Google Play Store platform is 83rd on the free game list and 38th on the popularity list.


The core gameplay of Guess Monster By Emoji is a guessing game in the puzzle genre. Whether it's looking at a picture to guess the monster or listening to the sound to guess the monster, it requires the player to have a certain understanding of the monster, which makes the game challenging for players who rarely play horror games. The interface of the game is very simple and straightforward, players can see emoji clues and four related monsters on their mobile interface and choose the correct monster from them. In addition to the emoji clues, Guess Monster By Emoji gives players even more clues. For example, players can watch commercials to get extra hints, use props to change the order of the questions and more. The addition of props gives players more ways to get clues. After successfully solving the puzzle and choosing the correct option, the game also gives the player a video of the monster to help them understand it better. The video includes scenes of the monster in the original game, special effects, etc., and is accompanied by appropriate background music to create a scary atmosphere for the player. The wonderful thing about sound design is that it directs the player's attention and makes it easier for the player to understand and solve the puzzles. These sound effects also add interactivity and immersion to the game.


Overall, Guess Monster By Emoji offers a unique and fun gaming experience where the combination of puzzles and monsters will appeal to players of all ages who are fascinated by monsters.


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