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Do you like making home decorations? Do you like improving your design skills? Do you want to play a creative and fun game that will expand your imagination and give you inspiration for decoration in your own room? Do You want to learn from a diverse community of people who share the same passion as you do, or maybe even share Your ideas with other players to get their feedback and help them improve their designs? Then Redecor is just for You!


Welcome to the home design game where You can explore infinite possibilities of decorating. There are no rules or restrictions here - let Yourself go wild. Be inspired by talented people all over the world who share their ideas with You online. It is a Unique Online Community for People Who Love Home Decorating and Designing. Redecor is a game, not a tool for designing. To use it as a design system, you need to find 3D design software, and understand how it works. Redecor is not an online design community where people discuss designs they have made on the site but offers an open forum where designers can post ideas that other designers can then use as inspiration to improve their own designs. Each player is free to add their own unique touch and make their personal interpretation of each design.


If there's anything I could change in this game, it would be the design tools that are available. I hate to play with messy and unorganized tools: the default screen is too cluttered for me. The only thing I like about it is that it can be customized so you can look at your own projects and no other players. If a player has a large "resume" or lots of project files, it might be hard to find what you need. So, let’s start building, creating, cooperating, and having fun!

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