“Fashion Universe is a great game because you have to level up and buy shoes, shirts, or clothes to put in your bag and then sell them to make money. You can also search for things on Fashion Universe."
Fashion Universe is one of my favorite games. much better and fun game! It's really easy to play too. When you’re on level one, there are five different floors where you place clothes with the tags in them depending on what floor they belong to. When you're done with that, you have to go to the next level and it gets a little harder. You place the clothes on their correct floor and then when you get all five floors done, you can go on the next level. One of my friends told me about this game and I didn't like it at first but then she told me more about it and I thought about playing it more seriously. You place the clothes in the correct spot. You go to the boss level and then you can get more items and if you have enough money, you can get a decoration on the floor. When you finish the game, you can play it again for more money!
There are many places where it's possible to find items such as fashion world, downtown, school, and shopping center. In the Shopping center, you can buy a variety of clothes and accessories like a hat, scarf or a bracelet. In downtown, you can buy clothes, shoes, and bags as well. In the Fashion world, you can buy many different kinds of clothes that are available in the game. The only thing is that they are quite high priced which is able to excite the players because they want to get new things for their characters. Let’s try.
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